
Page created on May 19, 2021. Last updated on May 7, 2023 at 18:22

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Sixth year

30 thoughts on “Psychiatry”

  1. From 6th year final exam:

    Q: Which disease is referred to as the “happy puppet syndrome”?
    A: Angelman Syndrome

    Q: Which chromosome is affected in Prader-Willi syndrome and Angelman syndrome?
    A: Chromosome 15

    In relation to these disorders, he also asked me what we call it when a genetic/chromosomal anomaly leads to a certain type of behaviour. The correct answer is “behavioural phenotype”.

  2. Just wanted to add to my previous comment that while I answered «bulimia» and he said «correct» I have no reference to show to, and it could very well also be «binge eating disorder»

  3. New question:
    «Which eating disorder is most common in borderline personality disorder? Bulimia»

    Also I disagree with the Cotard syndrome being Tenyi’s favorite, I think it «Bleuler’s concept», he asks me this every exam (and I never know it) 😀

    1. Thank you! Added.

      I don’t where the note about Tenyi’s favourite delusion comes from, but I’ll let it stay. You might’ve misread it as “Tenyi’s favourite question”?

  4. Hi greek!
    I hope you are doing well!
    Just wanted to tell you that on my psychiatry 1 exam I was told that body dysmorphic disorder is no longer considered a somatoform disorder, it’s rather related to obsessive compulsion disorder.
    And also on the lecture of somatoform disorders neurasthenia, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome were mentioned

  5. For MMSE there are 11 parts, and not 10.

    The MMSE is composed of 11 major items; temporal orientation (5 points), spatial orientation (5 points), immediate memory (3 points), attention/concentration (5 points), delayed recall (3 points), naming (2 points), verbal repetition (1 points), verbal comprehension (3 points), writing (1 points), reading a sentence (1 points), and constructional praxis (1 points)

    1. Idk what the correct answer is, I just took something I found on google. I’ve added what you wrote instead.

  6. Hey😄 during 6th year practice we had two sessions with tenyi and his questions, mostly the familiar once, these are extra:
    – all 10 parts of mse
    – most common cause of decreased apetite (refrasing of the depression and lost weight)
    – mirror symptom/sign – delusions of not recognizing one self in the mirror
    – tenebrosity is a sign of – temporal lobe epilepsy
    – signs of syphillis – tabes dorsalis, paralysis, argyl robertsons pupil
    – name the drives – sleep, eat, sexual
    – french name of erotomania – declerambault sign or something (also was asked this on exam)
    – lab in neuroleptic malignant syndrome – CK, kidney etc

  7. I highly disagree with the fact that my favourite question and delusion is the nihilistic one. Did you just analyze me?

  8. Hi! The most common delusional disorder( Q. 147) is not the jealousy delusion. The most common is the persecutory delusion.

  9. Hello Nikolas,
    Unfortunately, I cant see your notes for psychiatry. Did you remove them? Will you upload them again?

  10. Hello
    I noticed that you updated psychiatry on 11th( 2 days ago ) , can you please let me know what did you change ?

    1. It’s far too much work for me to list all the changes. They’re all small changes (for clarity, explaining things better, cleaning things up), so you don’t have to worry that you’re missing out on anything important.

  11. Hey there, I already read the instructions in case the password isn’t working, but I still can’t log in to read your psych notes…
    The password is still the old one, right?
    Thanks in advance

  12. Hi do u have link of flashcards for these questions and answers ? I cannot use Anki in my device
    Thank you

    1. I don’t have any flashcards in other formats than Anki. However, anki flashcards can be converted to other flashcards (quizlet, cram, etc.) You could perform this conversion and upload them to any flashcard site

      Are you sure anki’s not supported on your device? there are apps for both Android and iOS.

  13. Heyy, (Q. 37) based on this semesters lecture, the types of Bipolar disorder are:
    – Bipolar I (1% prevalence) = at least one true manic phase and true depressive phase (18-25 yrs)
    – Bipolar I and II (3.7%) = hypomanic phase (mild mania) and serious depressive phase
    – Bipolar III = recurrent depression + anti-depressant induced hypomania
    – Bipolar IV = depression superimposed on hyperthymic temperament
    – Bipolar V = recurrent depression without hypomania, but during the depression mixed hypomanic state (irritability, agitation, flight of ideas)
    – Bipolar VI = Bipolarity associated with the progress of dementia
    – Bipolar Spectrum Disorder

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