49. Foramen ovale late apertum

Page created on November 26, 2018. Last updated on December 18, 2024 at 16:56

Organ: Heart


Behind the right auricle can we see that there is a hole in the interatrial septum

Diagnosis: Foramen ovale late apertum


  • Unknown


A foramen ovale late apertum is a large atrial septal defect (ASD).

ASDs are usually asymptomatic most of the life, which is actually really bad, because it can develop into Eisenmenger syndrome. Screening of ASDs in neonates is therefore important.

The right auricle lies over the septal defect when viewed from the front. You can either check the prep from behind or just shake it a little, and then will the auricle flop away so you can see the defect.

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2 thoughts on “49. Foramen ovale late apertum”

  1. Hey!
    Description: Behind the right auricle* I know it just slipped but not to confuse others

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