59. Bronchial carcinoma

Page created on December 4, 2018. Last updated on December 18, 2024 at 16:56

Organ: Lung


We can see a cavity in the lower right corner.

Diagnosis: Lung carcinoma


  • If adenocarcinoma: genetic mutations
    • EGFR
    • K-RAS
    • ALK
    • PDL-1


There is a cavitating, ulcerating lesion in the lower right corner.

It’s located peripherally and subpleurally (just beneath the visceral pleura).

The fact that it’s located peripherally and not centrally decreases the possibility that it’s a squamous cell carcinoma, and the fact that the tumor is relatively large decreases the possibility that it’s a neuroendocrine carcinoma. These things tell us that it’s most likely an adenocarcinoma.

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