33. Prostatic adenocarcinoma

Page created on April 4, 2019. Last updated on May 11, 2019 at 11:35

Staining: HE

Organ: Prostate


The glands of the healthy, central zone are dilated and normal. The glands of the tumor are smaller, show atypia with very prominent nucleoli and they are not surrounded by basal (myoepithelial-like) cells.

Perineural infiltration, the infiltration of the tumor around peripheral nerve fibres, is present. The nerve fibres are present just beneath and inside the capsule.

Signs of benign prostate hyperplasia are seen in the areas of the slide not affected by the tumor.

Diagnosis: Prostatic adenocarcinoma

Risk factors:

  • Old age
  • Positive family history
  • BRCA mutation
  • HPC-1 mutation


Benign prostatic hyperplasia mostly affects the transitional zone while cancer mostly affects the peripheral zone.

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4 thoughts on “33. Prostatic adenocarcinoma”

  1. Doctor, important note: prostate doesn’t normally have myoepithelial cells and those you are showing in the slide histologically resemble the basal cells (normal glands have 2 layers while only 1 layer found in adenocarcinoma -basal lost-).
    Matter of fact there is no need for myoepithel cells since the whole stroma is fibromuscular.
    Hope this helps.

  2. In the healthy part, we can also see BPH; there are more than two cell layers, corpora amylacea and big dilated glands 🙂

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