Til deg som har lest min LIS1 søknad

Hei! Så hyggelig at du ville sjekke hva prosjektet mitt innebærer. Artiklene jeg har skrevet er sortert etter fag, som igjen er sortert etter studieår. Hvis du vil se på noen av dem kan du for eksempel ta en titt på artikkelen om antikoagulantia og antitrombotiske midler i farmakologi, artikkelen om O2 og CO2 transport i kroppen i fysiologi, artikkelen om intrauterin veksthemming i fødselsmedisin, artikkelen om akutt appendisitt i kirurgi, eller artikkelen om akutt koronarsykdom i indremedisin. Hvis du har lyst til å se litt statistikk om hvem og hvor mange som besøker nettsiden kan du se på det her.

Med vennlig hilsen Nikolas

PS. For my non-Norwegian-speaking visitors, this post warrants explaination. After finishing medical school as a Norwegian, before applying for residency in a specialisation, one must complete 18 months of medical “internship” in internal medicine, surgery, and general practice, called LIS1. The application period for LIS1 is now, and I mentioned this website on my application, so I figured I’d give all potential employers a proper welcome.

UPDATE: I did not get a spot for LIS1. I’ll have to apply again the next round, which is half a year after the first round.

7 thoughts on “Til deg som har lest min LIS1 søknad”

  1. Please do not display the pride flag next to the Palestinian one. This is highly disrespectful. Thank you.

    1. If you find my support for both pride and Palestine to be disrespectful, that’s your problem, not mine.

  2. Hello there, kiddo!

    I just wanted to update you on the Robertson case. The biopsy results just came back, and it was in fact an amelanotic melanoma, like you suggested. Quite the catch! Thanks to you it was caught in situ, so Mr. Robinson will live a long life! His wife and children also wanted me to extend their thanks. I will send you an email with the drawing Samantha made of you in class. You are her hero, and she wants to grow up to become a doctor just like you! Anyways. I wish you well on your future endeavours in Norway. Any hospital would be lucky to have you!

    1. Thank you for the feedback, dermatologist dr. Derm!

      (This is also a joke, unfortunately this never happened)

  3. Hey, Nik!
    Just wanted to thank you for saving my two month old baby from that house fire and giving her CPR until the ambulance arrived. I’m forever grateful. I hope you can put these amazing skills into practice as a LIS1 doctor 🙂

    1. You’re welcome, fellow citizen!

      (This post is a joke by the way, fortunately this never happened)

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